Sunday 3 February 2013

Writing Prompt Exercise

Sometimes we just can't come up with anything to write about, and if you are anything like me, then you find the usual writing prompts to be a bit mundane and broad. There is one way that you can prompt yourself with just a few magazines and a pair of scissors.

I find that the best magazines to use are National Geographic's. You can usually pick up a few pretty cheap at an opportunity shop, garage sale or even from the library. Cut out every interesting looking picture, or have someone else go through them for you. Even advertisements can be used.

Once you have all the pictures in a pile, in no particular order, take the first picture and write the first thing that comes to mind. It can be absolutely anything. Don't take too long, each picture should take you around 30 seconds and no longer.

After you have used all the pictures you should have a nice long nonsense poem. Each line can be used as a prompt for a story or poem. You could find the idea for your next short story, or an epic novel. The possibilities are endless.

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